About Freightzy
We know—it’s a bit out of the ordinary for a shipping logistics company to have merch. And it’s maybe even more out of the ordinary that the merch includes ‘80s-themed T-shirts, an original children’s book and a Greek god-inspired puzzle, but that’s how we roll.
What if a group of cocktail-sipping gods who live in a swanky lounge in the sky were really calling the shots in this whole shipping game? The ancients believed in fate and the virtue of accepting things out of your control, so what happened? When did our society stop believing in fate? Maybe all of our technology has created the illusion that we are in complete control.
We took that germ of an idea and built on it. We crafted a story centered around the Freight Gods, as we called our characters, and we enlisted the help of well-known Canadian illustrator Brice Hall to help bring them to life. The result? The puzzle and book before you.
But why a puzzle, you ask?
In a world where most of us carry smartphones that are constantly vying for our attention, studies show that stress levels are on the rise. However, studies also show that simple games and light problem-solving activities (like puzzles!) are the perfect antidote to the daily torrent of stress.
So, add this one to cart and when it arrives, clear a bit of table or desk space, mix yourself an old fashioned, read a couple of pages of the enclosed story (it’s really fun, we promise!) and start with the edges of the puzzle. In short, take a break from it all with us. You won't be sorry.
Proceeds from the sale of this project will be donated to organizations that support children’s literacy.